Hello SisterQueen,

I hope all is well.

I am hosting a family of six, and I must say I have deep respect for mamas with kids who also run a business or work full-time. It's a delightful madhouse hosting six people in a two-bedroom apartment, and nothing ever goes as planned. What keeps me grounded and able to be a gracious host is cultivating self-mastery through EFT tapping every day! In fact, I have been tapping for 502 days straight, and I can't say enough about what a life-saving tool tapping has been for me.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, have you ever felt stuck in self-doubt, self-criticism, overwhelm, worry, procrastination, or something similar, unsure how to change things, or even what you want to change? If so, you know the frustration of being stuck. For me, it's that nagging self-doubt whispering, "Do you even have what it takes to make these changes?" Crippling self-doubt, negative self-talk, and overwhelm were my constant companions when I decided to build a coaching business.

For others, stuckness looks like:

  • Criticizing and overthinking every move (even though it doesn't help)
  • Feeling trapped in a cycle of frustration, unsure how to break free
  • Judging themselves for failed attempts at goal-setting and procrastination
  • Feeling unsure and lacking confidence in their ability and direction
  • Playing small and not stepping into their full potential
  • Feeling overwhelmed, freezing, or stuck in inaction
  • Procrastinating and filling time with busy work
  • Constantly worrying about problems without finding solutions

It’s not your fault.

Our brains were built for survival, not modern life. Avoiding pain is a top priority for our brains, a trait useful centuries ago but problematic now. Changing, wanting to change, and deciding to take action on transforming that part of your life signifies danger. Our brains are wired to focus on dangers, not positive possibilities. Negative experiences trigger our amygdala, wiring our brain to link these experiences with danger. Modern challenges aren’t the same as ancient threats, but our unconscious brain can't tell the difference, thwarting our efforts to grow.

What if you could hack your brain and nervous system? Would you want to know how to do that?

You can absolutely hack your brain and nervous system through the power of EFT Tapping. Tapping can rewire your brain, banishing those unconscious blocks that keep you stuck. Modern research shows that EFT Tapping can literally rewire the brain, shifting our unconscious beliefs and emotions. This process allows us to reset our nervous system and the unconscious wiring that dictates our actions.

Imagine being able to tap into self-mastery and manage your emotional and psychological states so that you can respond to your life circumstances with grace and resilience. Through EFT tapping into self-mastery you can:

  • Develop deep awareness of your inner experiences
  • Silence negative self-talk and cultivate self-compassion
  • Manage emotions and release past traumas
  • Build emotional resilience and gain mental clarity

Imagine breaking free from self-doubt and overwhelm, feeling confident and empowered to take decisive action in your business, work, and life. Or handle six people in a two-bedroom apartment. 🙂 What would be possible for you?

Ready to transform your life and business through tapping into self-mastery? Reply to this email and let's chat.

Be Magnificent, SisterQueen.

Dr. Helena, The Queen Maker!

Connect with me

Website: https://helenorombi.coachesconsole.com/


Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/438863857581998

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becomingawomanofimpact