Hallo Helen, I hope you are enjoying this glorious fall season. I know I do I love the fall... here is a picture from one of my morning walks.

This week Id love to have a conversation about inner work and what I mean by it.  When we talk about inner work, many of us think of fixing or improving something within ourselves. But what if there’s nothing to fix—nothing that’s fundamentally broken? You are magnificent! Instead, true inner work is about aligning and expanding. It’s the journey of bringing yourself into alignment and allowing that alignment to create an experience of life that feels grounded, peaceful, and purpose-driven.

Aligning the Brain-Body System

One of the greatest sources of inner peace is the alignment of our brain and body. Our brain-body system was designed to work as one cohesive unit. But we live in a society that glorifies the analytical mind which causes some of us to resist or suppress our emotions. 

When the brain and body systems are aligned we find ourselves moving through life with ease, free from the struggle that arises from inner conflict. It’s not about suppressing emotions or pushing aside discomfort; it’s about understanding that our emotions are here to guide us. They act as feedback, a natural signal indicating whether we are aligned or out of sync.

Think of emotions as an invitation to observe, rather than resist. By allowing them, we prevent the build-up of resistance, judgment, or blame that keeps us locked in patterns of imbalance. This alignment opens the door to greater well-being, allowing us to experience our lives as they were intended to be.

Aligning Our Empowered Self with the Disempowered Self

Every one of us has a part that believes in limitation and doubts, influenced by past experiences, fears, and societal messages. This disempowered self often tells stories that make us feel small or unworthy of our dreams. Yet, there’s also a part of us that knows our true potential, that has a sense of what’s possible, and that has the courage to pursue it.

Inner work brings these two selves into alignment. Rather than silencing or rejecting the disempowered self, we acknowledge it, understand it, and gently invite it to expand. This is not about fighting ourselves but about bringing the disempowered self into alignment with our empowered self, that voice within that knows who we truly are and what we are capable of becoming. When these two are aligned, we’re able to step into a greater version of ourselves. We become free to grow into who we’re truly meant to become, moving beyond limitations and embracing our unique and highest possibilities.

Aligning Our Human Self with Our Non-Human (Soul/Higher Self)

Beyond our everyday thoughts, our busy minds, and our logical decision-making, there is a deeper part of us—a part connected to wisdom, intuition, and the Divine. This is our non-human aspect, often called the soul, higher self, or even the sacred. It holds a perspective that sees far beyond our current circumstances and that holds a vision of our highest potential.

While some view this relationship as a divide, thinking in terms of “ego versus spirit,” I’ve found it more harmonious to think of it as the alignment of human and non-human aspects. We are both the thinker and the visionary with a higher perspective, the human self and the spirit. When we allow these parts of ourselves to work together, we unlock a vast resource of empathy/compassion, creativity, and wisdom. Instead of experiencing inner conflict, we open ourselves to a sense of peace, knowing that we are both grounded and elevated, able to embrace our full humanity while tapping into our sacred nature.

The Path of Inner Work: A Journey to Wholeness

At its core, inner work is the journey of aligning these layers of ourselves. It’s about honoring each part without judgment or the urge to fix what we perceive as broken. By aligning our mind-body connection, our empowered and disempowered selves, and our human and non-human aspects, we create a life that’s not only harmonious but one that’s expansive, allowing us to explore the fullness of who we are and what we can become.

This journey is not about perfection. It’s about fully embracing ourselves, flaws and all, with compassion and curiosity. Alignment brings us the freedom to live authentically and to expand into all we are meant to be.

Are you ready to step into this alignment and expand into all you’re meant to be? The journey awaits, and it begins with a single intention—to align, to listen, and to allow yourself to become fully realized, fully expressed!

Stay Magnificent!


Dr. Helena, The QueenMaker


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Website: https://helenorombi.coachesconsole.com/


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