Hi Helen,


Did you know that the majority of smart, conscious women are suffering from a “support deficit,” even in spite of having supportive friends and family members? 


In the past, you may have chased down big goals with energy and ambition, but not anymore. Lately, you’ve maybe caught yourself wondering if your dreams of [Building a profitable coaching business, finding your purpose, creating more prosperity, upleveling your health and self-care, becoming more visible and confident, rewiring your nervous system for unstoppability, finding love or upleveling your current relationship] will ever come true.


If so, you might be wondering…


Will I ever make this happen?

Is this as good as it’s going to get? 

What should I do next? 


The good news is that you’re not broken. These thoughts are trying to tell you something—that you’re missing the encouragement and emotional support you need to manifest your heart’s true desires. 


So many of us smart, powerful women have been led to believe that we’re weak, inadequate, or somehow flawed if we can't gain mastery over our lives by ourselves.


But making the greatest difference with your gifts is a team sport, not a solo race. That’s why Olympic athletes, high-powered executives, and even presidents surround themselves with others who can help them achieve their goals.


I completed my coach training in Woman-Centered Coaching with Dr. Claire Zammit, one of the world’s preeminent experts on coaching women and the creator of the revolutionary Feminine Power method. 


Here’s the thing–this method didn’t just work for me; it’s worked for over 60,000 women who’ve used it to secure financial abundance, level up their confidence, improve their relationships, discover their life’s true purpose, and more… 


And I’d love for you to be next! 


This week, I’m opening up my calendar to a handful of women who are done trying to figure it out alone and want to finally get the support they need.


Please join me for a free 60-minute clarity session where we’ll identify ways for you to release your support deficit so you can stop doing it all alone.


This session will fast-track your results and save you countless hours of stress and, most importantly, you’ll come away knowing what you can do right away to move toward your goal of: Building a profitable coaching business, finding your purpose, creating more prosperity, upleveling your health and self-care, becoming more visible and confident, rewiring your nervous system for unstoppability, finding love or upleveling your current relationship.


Here’s what to do next: Book a free clarity session with me here https://helenorombi.coachesconsole.com/calendar/60-minute-clarity-session


Most of us have spent decades struggling in isolation, trying to break free from old patterns that hold us back. I’d love to share this revolutionary approach with you so you can finally achieve the success you’re destined to create in your lifetime. 


BE Magnificent, Helen


Dr. Helena, The QueenMaker


P.S. You’re welcome to share this invite with your friends, family, and community, too. If you’ve had a conversation with a smart, powerful woman who wants to move forward on big goals, please forward this email to her. 

Here the link to book a free clarity session with me https://helenorombi.coachesconsole.com/calendar/60-minute-clarity-session