Dear Helen,

Stress and tension held in the nervous system often keep us stuck in survival mode, making it difficult to feel grounded and at ease. The Root Chakra is closely tied to this fight-flight-freeze response, and calming it is essential for releasing survival patterns and creating inner peace.

This week, we’re focusing on Healing the Nervous System through EFT tapping and other calming techniques. These practices help you:

  • Soothe the fight-flight-freeze response.
  • Release chronic fear and stress stored in the body.
  • Restore balance, calm, and a sense of inner safety.

Reflection Question:
How would your life change if you could move through your days with a sense of calm and trust?

Here’s a tapping script to calm your nervous system:

Tapping Script for Calming the Nervous System

  • Setup Statement: “Even though I feel stressed and stuck in survival mode, I deeply love and accept myself.”
  • Tapping Points:
    • Eyebrow: “I feel this tension in my body.”
    • Side of Eye: “I’m stuck in survival mode.”
    • Under Eye: “It’s hard to let go of this stress.”
    • Under Nose: “But I’m ready to release this tension.”
    • Chin: “I am safe and calm.”
    • Collarbone: “I let go of stress from my body.”
    • Under Arm: “I am at peace.”
    • Top of Head: “I feel calm, balanced, and safe.”

Use this script to calm your nervous system and create a foundation for clarity and resilience.

Be magnificent,
Your coach,
Dr. Helena

PS: If you’re ready to dive deeper into these healing processes, the Awakening Women Collective offers guided tapping sessions and tools to help you release survival stress and step into your power. Learn more and join here: 👉