Dear Helen
As we begin our journey to release survival mode, it’s important to understand how early childhood experiences shape the Root Chakra. During infancy and early childhood, we absorb messages about safety, love, and belonging from our caregivers and environment. These early imprints often form the foundation for survival-based patterns like fear, insecurity, and self-doubt.
This week, we’re focusing on Healing the Anxious Child—a process that allows us to revisit and release the emotional patterns that no longer serve us. By combining EFT tapping with inner child healing, you can:
- Acknowledge and soothe feelings of unsafety or neglect from your early years.
- Offer your inner child the love and reassurance they needed but may not have received.
- Rebuild a sense of worthiness and safety within yourself.
Reflection Question: What messages about safety and belonging did you absorb as a child, and how might they still influence you today?
Here’s a tapping script to help you connect with and heal your inner child:
Tapping Script for Healing the Anxious Child
Setup Statement: “Even though I didn’t feel safe as a child, I deeply and completely love and accept myself now.”
- Tapping Points:
- Eyebrow: “I didn’t always feel safe as a child.”
- Side of Eye: “I carried fear deep inside me.”
- Under Eye: “Sometimes I still feel like that scared child.”
- Under Nose: “But I’m ready to release this fear.”
- Chin: “I can give my inner child the love they needed.”
- Collarbone: “I am safe and loved now.”
- Under Arm: “I am secure and supported.”
- Top of Head: “I choose safety, love, and worthiness.”
Use this script to begin offering your inner child the love and safety they deserve.
Be magnificent, Your coach, Dr. Helena
PS: In the Awakening Women Collective, we dive deeper into these healing processes, offering guided support and EFT tapping tools to help you transform survival patterns into empowerment. Learn more and join here: 👉