Dear Helen how are you today?

Last week, I shared the exciting launch of the Awakening Women Collective membership, a transformational membership designed to help conscious, changemakers and creative women like you break free from survival mode and step fully into your power.

One of the most powerful tools we use in this journey is a combination of EFT tapping and the chakra system. These practices allow us to access the subconscious layers of fear, doubt, and emotional patterns stored in the body and release them for good.

Our work starts with Pillar 1: Releasing Survival Mode, where we focus on healing the Root Chakra—the foundation of your energy system.

The Root Chakra, located at the base of your spine, governs your sense of safety, stability, and grounding. It holds the imprints of early childhood experiences, including fear, insecurity, and survival-based patterns. When this chakra is blocked, you may feel stuck, anxious, or disconnected.

Using EFT tapping and chakra-focused healing, we explore and release these blocks, helping you feel:

  • Grounded and secure in your body.
  • Confident and capable of moving forward.
  • Free from patterns of fear and scarcity.

Reflection Question:
What would your life look like if you felt fully grounded and safe in the world?

Here’s a quick tapping script to help you get started:

Root Chakra Tapping Script

  • Setup Statement: “Even though I feel unsafe and ungrounded at times, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • Tapping Points:
    • Eyebrow: “I feel this sense of instability.”
    • Side of Eye: “It’s hard to feel safe in this world.”
    • Under Eye: “I carry so much fear and uncertainty.”
    • Under Nose: “But I’m ready to release this fear.”
    • Chin: “I am safe and grounded.”
    • Collarbone: “I trust myself and the world around me.”
    • Under Arm: “I am secure and supported.”
    • Top of Head: “I feel safe, grounded, and at peace.”

Use this script daily and notice how your sense of grounding and stability begins to shift.

Be magnificent,
Your coach,
Dr. Helena

PS: In the Awakening Women Collective, we explore these healing processes in depth, including powerful tools to release survival patterns and reclaim your empowerment. If you’re ready to join this transformational journey, click here to learn more: 👉