Dear Helen,

Your physical body is the anchor of your Root Chakra and the foundation of your energy system. However, feelings of shame, disconnection, or neglect in how we view and treat our bodies can block this energy, leaving us ungrounded and disconnected.

This week, we’re focusing on Healing Your Relationship with the Physical Body, a vital step in releasing survival mode. Using EFT tapping, we’ll:

  • Release trapped energy associated with shame or disconnection.
  • Rebuild trust and compassion toward your body.
  • Ground yourself in the present moment, creating a sense of safety and stability.

Your body is the home of your empowerment energy, and reconnecting with it allows you to feel grounded, safe, and whole.

Reflection Question:
What is one kind or loving thing you can say to your body today?

Here’s a tapping script to support this healing process:

Tapping Script for Reconnecting with Your Body

  • Setup Statement: “Even though I’ve struggled to feel at home in my body, I choose to reconnect with love and compassion.”
  • Tapping Points:
    • Eyebrow: “I’ve felt disconnected from my body.”
    • Side of Eye: “I’ve carried shame and disconnection.”
    • Under Eye: “It’s hard to feel safe in my body.”
    • Under Nose: “But I choose to release this disconnection.”
    • Chin: “I trust and honor my body.”
    • Collarbone: “My body is my home.”
    • Under Arm: “I am grounded and safe in my body.”
    • Top of Head: “I reconnect with my body with love and compassion.”

Use this script as a daily practice to deepen your connection to your body.

Be magnificent,
Your coach,
Dr. Helena

PS: In the Awakening Women Collective, we explore these practices and more, helping you transform your relationship with your body through EFT tapping and grounding exercises. Learn more and join here: 👉